Wiedner Hauptstraße 146-148, 1050 Wien


Unsere Jugendtreffen finden alle in Englisch statt. Daher ist diese Seite auch in Englisch gehalten 🙂
Englisch zu sprechen ist keine Bedingung, aber empfehlenswert. Wir haben viele Sprachen und Kulturen vertreten.

Our Passion For You(th)
Upcoming events

We as leaders desire to connect with young people personally, open our ears and hearts and then connect the gospel to your lives.

We are passionate to give deep answers from God’s perspective to your honest real-life questions.

Our meetings are in English.

BigTime - monthly meetings (6-12)

BigTime is our youth event for all grades 6-12.
We do monthly meetings in a bigger setting with games, worship, a talk, conversation and food.

Middle & Highschool Youth Nights

The youth nights in between the „BigTimes“ are smaller more personal meetings.

Here, High-schoolers and middle-schoolers have their own meetings with age-tailored topics and activities.  It’s a great chance to ask questions, play games in groups and so on!